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Pusing smpai penin.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

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Stat from last saturday kami da pusing2 area kajang n bangi tuk cr butik pengantin ni..hihi..excited sgt2!! Misi nye bkn stkt nk survey harge, but we want to decide our theme colour.

heee...kalo iktkn Mr Fiance-->Liverpool Fan, sah2 nk kale merah..hehe.. tp merah ni da bnyk kali gak jd theme kt my home nih,xmo da...sori u!! hihi. so last week nye pusing dpt harge package tuk few boutique. mmm....sume ade pro n cons...penin gak nk pilih..

Since kitorg da ade kain tuk buat bju for nikah, kami tempah dulu. nk tempah ni pon, kami da survey harge. caye x, dlm bnyk2 tempat kami pg, dzulldeclassique offer paling reasonable price:

RM150 utk bju Melayu siap sulam sume
RM 250 utk bj nikah pompuan xksh design cane

haaa....berpatutan kn??? tempat len tuk bju pompuan pon ade smpai RM350. heeee...xsabar nk tgk hasil!!!

da bis tempah bju tuk nikah, package lak..tuk pelamin, bju sanding, make up n segale la..hehe.. price tuk ni pon kitorg da survey habis2an...xtau nk decide. last2 buat decision berdasarkn few criteria:

1. ade bju yg memikat hati kami
2. package le customize ikot yg kitorg nak
3. kualiti yg pasti

hehe...pilih bju tu jenuh gak. maklumla me xckp tggi kn..hehe..yg sesuai pyh gak nk cri..las2 jmpe r kt kimie kajang..yeayyy!!!!! so based on bju tu, we decide our theme colour tuk both side. setel suda!!! tp mcm nk tuka g je bju tuk side sana..huhu...slase ni nk g tgk balik!!

da setel few bnyk g nk setelkn nih..n tetibe ade problem baru..huhu..sal keje lak..xpela..nex week pk kn..huhu...daaa~~~