This kind of flexi payment plan for credit cards is great (sebab low interest!) tapi masalahnye...
kena la bace term & conditions carefully. Aku plak hari tuh, time call HSBC, amoi tuh tak bitau lak aku pasal item no 9 dalam T&C nih, cuma part 3% for 10 months installment and 5% for 20 months. Item no 9. dalam T&C diorang nih menyatakan bahawa;
9. All application SMS must be sent to HSBC/HSBC Amanah during the Offer Period from 3 days after the purchase and 7 days before the next statement date.Maka..ape yang dah terjadi kat aku adelah, aku dah swipe beli barang dalam tempoh masa 7 hari sebelum next statement date, so aku takleh convert la belian itu jadik flexi payment. Moral of the story, don't get too excited cepat² and please bace T&C carefully dan plan lah bila tarikh nak beli, sbb bukan setiap hari beli yg bleh utk convert, cuma 20 hari je dalam sebulan (sbb 3+7 hari dah kena tolak kat item no 9. tuh).
reference: http://www.hsbc.com.my/1/PA_1_1_S5/content/website/pdf/personal/credit_cards/fpp_tnc.pdf
Sekian ;D