Ever wanted to share your 3G broadband with other people at your home? do you have to buy quite an expensive wireless router with 3G broadband support? (RM300+ kalau tak silap) well.. there's another way for you to share it. And I am using it now at my home, the 3G internet is shared between my pc & my wife's netbook over the wifi. Here's how to do it..
Don't you always envy those people who can swipe and double tap with fingers on their phones? And now I can be one of them cause #DiGiiPhone4 is giving out iPhone4 with just an upgrade on your current line!
If you want to share the said 3G broadband just with 2 people, you may need a UTP cat5 crossover cable. If you plan to share it between more than 2 computers, than you need a wireless router or a switch. In my case, I use my old wireless router that I've use with my Streamyx broadband before (I've terminated that service).
Initially, I used to connect the Celcom 3G broadband using Mobile Connect, somehow Windows created it's own dialer by itself. I don't know how to set it, but you may google it. Keyword; celcom broadband windows dial up.
First, you need to share the celcom or maxis connection. In Windows 7, you may found that in Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections. Right click on Celcom (or Maxis) and click properties. Navigate to the Sharing tab and tick "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection"
Then you have set a static IP for the TCP/IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) for Local Area Connection (network card) at the computer that is used to dial celcom/maxis. In my case, I use the network. So my pc IP is, subnet mask and the gateway/DNS are intentionally left blank. Please note that this computer in physically connected to the wireless router's LAN port via it's network card.
Next step is connect the other computer/laptop to the network, say if it via crossover cables or via switch or via wifi. In my case, I connect my wife's netbook over our home's wifi network and also set static IP for the netbook. IP address, subnet mask, gateway (remember my computer's IP? since it dialed the celcom, that's why), DNS Alternate DNS (I use OpenDNS, you may use any other DNS server for it, say Google DNS (,, Celcom DNS or
Then, back to your computer, dial (connect) the celcom / maxis using the windows dialer and voilĂ ! Your Celcom / Maxis broadband is now shared ;D
P/S [2013-June-13] - ataupon, jangan susah2. 3G wireless router sudah murah dah sekarang. Tak sampai RM100 pon harga kat lelong.com.my. Just beli one of these. And yes, these images are clickable ...