For those who did respond to our request for address, may it via facebook or e-mail, our wedding invitation card should be soon reaching your mailbox. Sile la hadir & bawak hadiah besar² ye ;P

- prosedur permohonan nikah bagi pihak lelaki -
at first aku agak blur jugak.. kat masjid mana la kawasan umah aku ni fall under sbb nak mintak surat taraf mastautin (KL ngan Selangor je ade benda ni, negeri lain tadak. maka korang kat negeri lain kene balik mintak kebenaran ngan jabatan agama negeri ikut ic korang masing²). So after dah malas nak tanya encik gugel, so direct call encik JAWI terus di talian 03-22749333.
encik JAWI tanya, menetap kat mana and all then dia suh aku contact Ustaz Rohaily, Penolong Pendaftar Nikah utk Kariah Zon 4 Kuala Lumpur. encik JAWI bagi no phone ustaz tuh 013-3555590. Ustaz Rohaily ni stationed kat Masjid Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi kat Taman Melati.
dlm bz2 sal keje kt jmti, sempat gak aku blik las weekend tuk buat invitation card ngn Mr Fiance...heeee....ikot kale tema k! so kawan2, kad da ditempah...but maybe lmbt ckit siap...sabar eh!!! korg plan siap2 1 mei 2010 g kajang eh!!! nanti kad menyusul...hehe....nk alamat korg!!!
Today, marked as the day we started a not-so-long-distance-but-still-a-3-to-4-hours-drive relationship. With our wedding is just around the corner (tak smp 2 bulan lagi!), there's still plenty of things that yet to be done. borang² itu ini, barang² itu ini... hope that we could manage them properly.
Already missing u Ms. Fiancée... :_(