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This blog has two authors. Differentiated by 'Posted by' Ramzul Ramli or Fazlina Anuar on the top of every post. Thank you.

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J.CO Donuts @ IOI Mall

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Aritu kitorang jalan-jalan kat IOI Mall......suke bile tetibe nampak JCo Donuts...hehe...
Cun kot JCo kat sini...cube tengok...

Celebrate Aidiladha @ Terengganu

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Biase every year aidiladha aku lepak je kat umah...jarang balik kampung and tak tengok pon orang buat korban...heeee....sian kan? tahu-tahu orang antar daging, mak masak, makan!! hehe...

Tapi tahun ni lain cikit....kitorang balik kampung hubby kat Terengganu.
Even aku kurang sihat, kitorang balik gak kampung sebab dah plan dari awal kan..:)
Sile-sile bace agi..hehe...

share your celcom / maxis broadband

Monday, November 15, 2010

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Ever wanted to share your 3G broadband with other people at your home? do you have to buy quite an expensive wireless router with 3G broadband support? (RM300+ kalau tak silap) well.. there's another way for you to share it. And I am using it now at my home, the 3G internet is shared between my pc & my wife's netbook over the wifi. Here's how to do it..

Don't you always envy those people who can swipe and double tap with fingers on their phones? And now I can be one of them cause #DiGiiPhone4 is giving out iPhone4 with just an upgrade on your current line!

waterfall trips

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Dah lama aku tak gi waterfall. Rindu plak nak mandi air yang sejuk.. tetiba plak aku boleh nak teringat pasal air terjun nih. Tahun lepas ade la dalam 4 waterfall/sungai aku sempat pergi; Chemerong kat Hulu Dungun, Terengganu, Ulu Tampit kat Janda Baik, Pahang, Chamang kat Bentong, Pahang dan Sungai Congkak, Selangor. Aku ade tulis about that kat blog on August 2nd, 2009.



It's been a while since my last post. Yeah, almost 4 months. I guess no football then no post heh :P
For the last 2 months, I've been to several waterfall/water features in various states. June 13th, 2009

Mommy to be story one :D

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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7 weeks 4 days already....1st trimester of pregnancy and aku baru sedar banyak bende nak kene jaga.
Tu pon lepas ramai kawan-kawan ngan kakak aku tegur...ramai gak sayang aku eh?? ;p
Macam dah banyak terbuat bende yang tak patot buat nih...sebab tak tahu...1st time mengandung la katakan. heeeeee...
