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1st anniversary trip: to Krabi, Thailand
1st anniversary trip: to Krabi, Thailand (part 2)
Finally. The amazing #MaxisiPhone4 in WHITE is here. Get yours today & match it with the right plan
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1st anniversary trip: to Krabi, Thailand
1st anniversary trip: to Krabi, Thailand (part 2)
Continued from 1st anniversary trip: to Krabi, Thailand
Hai...Assalamualaikum...masih lagi takde mase nak update stori mori..
Biar my hubby jelah stori2 psl trip..hihi..
Aku juz nak cite pasal my curiosity...haih..pasal ape lak?
Yelah...banyak kali gak bile aku cek keyword tuk ke blog aku nih, aku jumpe keyword nih,
It was a long awaited trip. Dah beli ticket dari AirAsia sejak Februari lagi. Mentang2 la dah tak kena blacklisted dek kerana hutang PTPTN (read penipu), maka anniversary trip to oversea was planned.
Before decided untuk ke destinasi ni, there was a few other places that has been shortlisted too; it was Bali, Koh Samui and Beijing. But after timbang tolak fikir begitu begini then, Krabi became our choice.
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On April 27th, 1.45pm, we departed on AirAsia AK804 flight from Kuala Lumpur LCCT to Krabi International Airport, Thailand. Kat atas flight aje, terus siap2 awalkan jam tangan kepada satu jam awal, ikut jam tempatan di Thailand. After 1 jam 15 minit flight, kitorang touchdown kat Krabi Airport. Dalam pukul 2.10pm (waktu Thailand) kitorang dah leh blah dari aircraft menuju ke terminal.
Hola...saje ingin menulis....ade beberapa bende aku nak cite...tapi tak sempat lagi nak mengarang.
Maybe weekend ni bole cite banyak2...:D
Banyak bende yang nak disetelkan bulan Mei ni...aku harap Mei cepat2 berlalu...huhu...
So, for now...aku juz nak share....korang2 kalo bace blog orang, korang bace kat mane?