So Jumaat semalam, kitorang ambik cuti untuk pergi tengok ni, 5th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2013 kat Putrajaya. Bajet kalau pergi weekend, sure cramp ramai gila dengan orang. Tapi kan sekarang ni musim cuti sekolah. Silap ari bulan ramai jugak time weekdays ni... Kami sampai kat area Monumen Alaf Baru, Precinct 2, Putrajaya ni around 7am lebih. Crowd dah mula meramai tapi parking area masih lagi aman damai. Hot air balloon dah ade banyak yang take off. Masih ade lagi yang tengah prepare duk nak naik jugak. Macam-macam design balloon ni. Smurf pon ada. Sim card Tune Talk pon ada! Pada aku, balloon ni lah yang paling kelakar. Ada kaki, ada tangan. Haha.
For more photo, visit my facebook album. By the way, this show bermula dari 28hb hingga 31hb esok. Pergi la seawal 7 pagi untuk tengok balloon take off. Malam ni dan esok ada fireworks. Harap dapat gi nak capture fireworks pulak ;D
This blog has two authors. Differentiated by 'Posted by' Ramzul Ramli or Fazlina Anuar on the top of every post. Thank you.
All pictures and articles in this blog strictly cannot be re-post anywhere without permission. TQ.
5th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
| 5:22 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
time lapse with Nikon 1 V1
Sunday, March 24, 2013
| 10:00 AM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
new blog: AnokWanok
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
| 1:35 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Aku dan sepupu sepapat aku are starting this new blog, sharing our kononnya creative works in photography. AnokWanok is a slang/dialect loghat Terengganu yang bermaksud anak-beranak. So far aku dan 2 orang sepupu tengah menjayakan blog ni. More to come ...
i am nikon: Nikon 1 V1
Monday, March 18, 2013
| 9:40 AM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |

Kenapa aku tak angkat DSLR je? Well, aku duk baca-baca reviews, Mirrorless Camera ni pon dapat hasilkan quality pictures and videos ke arah DSLR dah. It is lightweight and compact. Fun untuk dibawa. Senang la wife aku pon nak guna. And then boleh tukar-tukar lens. Kalau ada rezeki, kasi angkat itu FT1 mount adapter boleh masuk almost any lens in the market. So far aku masih tengah duk godek-godek, cari setting bagai. Dah lama berhasrat untuk menjadi DSLR fag, so for now jadi MILC fag aje lah. hahaha ...
Phone or Camera?
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
| 3:16 PM |Posted by Ramzul Ramli |
Aku tengah duk recce untuk beli my very first real camera. Aku tak pernah seumur hidup BELI camera ok. Semuanya yang sebelum ni aku duk guna adelah webcams, camera dekat phones, pinjam kamera adik/kawan/sedara/adik ipar. So aku google around, walking around, bla bla then last weekend, nampak on sale dekat Harvey Norman, camera Sony Alpha Nex-5N. Yeah model ni baru discontinued last January, tapi Sony said diorang still produce spare parts for it until 5-6 years to come. So no problem on that. Tapi, masalah lain lak timbul. My phone HTC Desire dah start buat perangai lepas 2 tahun pakai. Duk bengong automatic randomly keluar Car Mode every some other times nak guna then dia pi reset screen abih semua keluar bagai gila pui. Ditambah lagi dengan ongoing 'Low on space. Phone storage space is getting low" issue. Senang cerita, need replacement. But at the same time, aku crave for a real camera.
[5:08pm] update - phone auto Car Mode problem looks like has been solved ;D thanks to this forum post. Tapi low phone storage issue masih still going on walaupon dah guna custom rom with A2SD+ support.
So perlu ke vote? haha
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